Crowd source data on network speeds using a mobile app


Need : The client is one of the largest telecom operators in India. They wanted to check the network speeds available at their towers, throughout the day. It is not possible to depute a huge team across the circle, just to check network speeds, at their thousands of towers.

Solution : Madbee developed an app to do speed test. The app can be installed and validated using the credentials shared by Madbee. All their employees spread at various offices in the circle were asked to instal the app. Once validated, the app shall automatically open every hour, send out a data packet to the server and then download it back. Once the speed is measured, the data along with tower location is sent to the server. The app then goes to sleep to avoid battery loss.

Immediately after implementation, huge count of data points on networks speeds was instantly available for analysis. The management had a detailed dashboard to view data of the networks speeds location wise and for specific date ranges. This crowd-sourced data was used to enhance their towers and ensure customer satisfaction.

Technologies Used : Android Studio, DotNet, Azure Cloud.