How India’s largest OMC increased drive-ins and increased their ARPU?


The Pain point : Oil is a commoditised product and it is difficult for Oil Marketing Companies to differentiate in the product offering. The client is India’s largest Oil Marketing Company and had the need to engage their customers to build loyalty around the brand. The challenge is about handling huge volumes of transactions and engaging them enough to build loyalty.

Solution : Our full-fledged consumer engagement platform provides options for customers to regularly participate in contests every time they fuel at the retail outlets. The mode of engagement was built around SMS, IVR and Web forms. Robust backend functionality was able to support the millions of transactions coming in. Customers were engaged every time they refuelled and prizes were introduced to increase the participation. Customer data was collected which was used to analyse the consumer behaviour and plan the subsequent promotional campaigns.

Benefits to client :
>>> Engagement with more than 5 Million unique customers.
>>> Increased drive-ins
>>> Increase in revenue by at least 1.5 times from this customer base.

Technologies Used : DotNet, SQL Server, Xamarin.
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