Portal for users to choose best financial offers - SE Asia


Need : The client is a large financial aggregator based in Vietnam and operating in 10 countries. The need was to develop their website, aggregator portal and mobile apps specific to each country.

Solution : A specific team was set up for this purpose and we went about managing each of their digital assets like website, mobile app and aggregator portals, in different languages. Agile method was used to manage the project and Changes were managed on Jira Board. Hosting of the sites was done on Amazon Web Services and secured. The digital assets relates to countries like Vietnam, India and Philippines were maintained in different servers behind firewall.
Highlight of this project is that a customised data scraping tool was developed to fetch data from hundreds of websites from multiple countries. This data is stored and processed to show the relevant offers to customers, when they visited the aggregator portal.

Technologies Used : DotNet, PHP, Wordpress, Outwit Tool, SQL Server, Flutter, NodeJS, Mongo, Strapi CMS